Sunday, April 28, 2024

2024 Lodge Current Events

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Saint John’s Lodge No.1

To contact our Lodge WebM@aster, please use this e-mail address:

“From ancient times no master or fellow could be absent from his lodge,
Especially when warned to appear at it, without incurring a severe censure
Unless it appeared to the master and wardens that pure necessity hindered him.”
-Ancient charge

Our next Regular Meeting of Saint John’s Lodge No.1 will be held on Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 at 7:30 P.M. at Freemason’s Hall, Masonic Park. 

 By the request of the Worshipful Master, Worshipful Brother Todd Miller.

RWB. Mark G. Bradbury OMS, Secretary
e-mail address:

To open the Lodge
To have approved the minutes of the past meeting
To read current correspondence
To receive current accounts
To receive and/or ballot on any applications
To deal with Business Arising and General Business
To deal with special business


April 30th, May 2nd, May 7th, 2024 - Lodge Degree Practices, Freemasons Hall, Mount Pearl, NL, 5PM.

May 8th, 2024, Wednesday, 7:30PM - The Brethren of Saint John's Lodge No.1 Regular Lodge Meeting, "Past Masters Night", Freemasons Hall, Mount Pearl, NL.

May 22nd, 2024, 7:00PM, Saint John's Lodge No.1, Zoom/Social Committee Meeting - Meeting Invite to be circulated to the Brethren

May 25th, 2024, Saturday, Brethren of Saint John's Lodge No. 1 are hosting a Members only Masonic Themed "Table Lodge" at the Freemasons Hall, Mount Pearl, NL.

May 28th, 2024, Tuesday, The Brethren of Saint John's Lodge No.1 are scheduled for an official visitation with the Brethren of Lodge Newfoundland Kilwinning No. 1754, on the role of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.
June 15th, 2024, Saturday, 7:00AM Annual Masonic Golf Tournament Fund Raiser, Willows Golf Course, Holyrood, NL, 2:00PM BBQ at Lodge Conception after the 26th Annual, 9 Hole Best Ball Golf Charity Fundraiser event.

June 15th, 2024, Saturday evening, Lodge Chicken and Rib Fest, Live and Silent Auction Annual Charity Fundraiser Event.

Brethren are reminded that as per our Lodge's Bylaws, Annual Membership Fee/Dues continue at $175.00 for the 2023/2024 ensuing Lodge year, and are payable for each year, in advance, on November 1.  All Lodge Officers must have their Membership Fee/Dues current, prior to accepting their Lodge Appointments or Office.

If you are uncertain about your Membership Dues Status, please contact the Lodge's Secretary, Very Worshipful Brother Mark G. Bradbury, Lodge Secretary: 

Brethren may pay by e-transfer by contacting the Assistant Secretary or by forwarding their cheque, made payable to, "Saint John's Lodge No. 1" to the attention of the Lodge's Assistant Secretary, whose contact information can be found on your Notice Paper.

All Lodge Officers are reminded of the Grand Lodge requirement that their annual Membership dues for the forthcoming year are to be paid prior to Installation/Investiture as a Lodge Officer.

The special business of the evening will be the Ceremony of Raising to the sublime Degree of a Master Mason Brothers Darroch "Doc" Butler, Devin Keats, and Jason Flynn.  The evening's Degree work will be performed by the Past Masters of Saint John's Lodge No.1.

We will be having a pre-meeting stuffed chicken breast supper, beginning at 6:30 PM. The bar will be open at 6 PM. There will be a nominal charge of $10 per person for the meal and of course partners are invited. Bar will open at 6 PM with the meal commencing at 6:30 PM. Please confirm your attendance with the Secretary, by e-mailing

BallotAssuming a favorable report from the Committee of Enquiry, there will be a Ballot on the Membership application of Mr. Michael Joyce.


April 10th, 2024 marked the 50th Year Anniversary of Worshipful Brother William "Bill" Radford's Initiation into Saint John's Lodge (Past Master 1983).  During the May Past Master's Meeting, the Lodge will recognize our Worshipful Brother Radford with the Scottish Presentation format of a 50-year pin, adopted by the Grand Lodge of NL. ln addition, the Members of Saint John's Lodge will be conferring on Worshipful Brother Radford a Certificate of Distinguished Service Membership (This will be the 3rd such certificate presented in our Lodge. Avalon District No. 5, Grand Master, RWB Gus Dillon will be on hand to assist with the Presentation.  Brethren are invited to join Worshipful Brother Bill Radford and his Family as we recognize his significant contributions to the Craft.


Lodge Newfoundland Kilwinning No. 1754 will be official during our Lodge's May 8th, 2024,  Regular Meeting, at 7:30PM.

Our Lodge's regularly scheduled official visitation will be with the Brethren of Lodge Newfoundland Kilwinning No. 1754, on the role of the Grand Lodge of Scotland - May 28th, 2024 at Freemasons Hall.


Saturday, May 25th, 2024, the Members of the Saint John's Lodge No.1 - 579 Social Club will be holding a Masonic Themed Table Lodge Event.  Members only are invited.  Formal Dress or Suit and Tie.  If you may be imbibing please make the necessary arrangements for a Designated Driver to ensure your safe departure and arrival to your home.


The Minutes of the Rescheduled Regular Lodge Meeting, held April 10th, 2024, were circulated to the Brethren for their perusal. Please advise the Secretary of any errors or omissions prior to the meeting to be held May 8th, 2024, at which time the minutes will be put to the Membership for approval.

Annual Masonic Charity Golf Tournament and BBQ

The Annual Masonic Golf Tournament is Scheduled for, Saturday, June 15, 2024, to be held at the Willows Golf Course in Holyrood. Funds are raised to support School Lunch and Breakfast Programs in all parts of Newfoundland and Labrador, marking the 27th anniversary of this event

We have now contributed in excess of $200,000.00 to Charitable Causes over the life of our Fraternal Tournament.

Corporate Sponsorship is encouraged.  All Brethren and their guests are welcome - register as a single player, or as a group ($80.00 per person fee includes a $50.00 tax receipt). There is a trophy for the Team with the lowest score, and we challenge all Lodges to enter a team. We also encourage you to invite non-masons to participate.  Contact our Lodge Secretary for further details.


Brethren are reminded that dues for the 2023/2024 year in the amount of $175.00 are past due and were payable prior to October 31, 2022.  Incoming Officers are reminded that dues were to be paid on or before being installed into your Office.


We are continuing with our latest outreach initiative to provide welcome kits to Iris Kirby House. Members are being asked if they would like to donate some items to the cause.  Items can be dropped in the bin provided at the entrance to the Lodge prior to our May Regular Meeting.  Items me include, but not be limited to: personal care/toiletry items, children's clothing, linens, bus passes, items to be used as gifts for women and children, small children's toys/stuffed toys, school stationary and supplies, gift cards/coupons for clothing, entertainment, etc...).

Outreach to Shut-Ins - The Lodge continues to reach out to Brethren who are unable to attend lodge. Any brother wishing a visit is asked to contact our Senior Warden, Bro. Kevin Ryan, whose contact information can be found on the back of your e-mailed Notice Paper.

The April monthly Zoom meeting, is scheduled for the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM. These digital interactions are seen as a great way of staying in touch between meetings. They are also a great opportunity for Brethren who are shut-in or unable to attend regular Lodge meetings to engage and reconnect. Brethren we encourage you to take advantage of this great opportunity for camaraderie.  Contact our Lodge Secretary to secure your invite to these evenings of digital Fraternity.


The January 2024 edition of Emessay notes is distributed to Lodge email recipients. This month's edition contains some helpful suggestion on how to stick with your New Year Resolution.

Famous Quotation - "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." - Mae West

The Lodge has a supply of ritual books. These are available to interested Brethren at a cost of $25. Please advise the Secretary if you are interested in purchasing one.

These books are essential to any Brother who wish to follow and/or participate in Lodge


Brethren are encouraged to review the Lodge of the Year Application Form published by our Grand Lodge. It a useful document in bringing focus to the more important activities of a Masonic Lodge. A copy is available at the Members Portal of the Grand Lodge website.


Brethren who due to chronic medical or physical infirmity are unable to attend Lodge are now entitled to apply for Emeritus Membership which will exempt them from paying dues. For Brethren receiving Notice Paper by email, please see the attached cover letter from the Grand Secretary and the applicable application form. These documents are available on the Grand Lodge website for other members. Please feel free to inform me of any brethren who you feel meet the criteria for Emeritus Membership.



Some Brethren may not be aware that the Grand Master has a personal page setup on JDRF’s site where donations can be made with credit card and tallied to the GM’s Charity. Go to the Grand Lodge Website.  The Grand Master’s Charity is listed under Community Outreach.  Here’s the link:  Click on “Make a Donation” or read Kai’s story …
When you get to the JDRF page, to make a donation online, select “DONATE TO ME.”


Brethren are reminded to donate blood if they able to do so.  Join the Masonic Corporate Blood Donor Group.  It is a valued gift for those in need. Partners and friends are also invited.


The GLNL posts updated newsletters (Fraternal Tidings) on its web site at:


Brethren are advised that there are up to 6 scholarships available to the children or grandchildren of Masons. The annual deadline for applications is Oct 31 and applications must be signed by the Secretary and Master of the Lodge. This information is provided for the information of the Brethren in a hope that all eligible children will make application for these scholarships. Should you require any additional information or require forms please contact our Lodge's Secretary. There is further eligibility information on our Grand Lodge's website.

The Secretary would like to remind all Brethren that the deadline for receipt of applications for the following 2019 Scholarships is October 31.  Further information and the applications can be obtained by contacting the Patrick Tasker Masonic Educational Fund, Email: or by telephone at phone: (709) 214 - 0770

         J. Gordon Barnes Masonic Scholarship
         The Patrick Tasker Masonic Educational Fund


An AED is mounted in a storage cabinet outside the west gate to the Blue Room.  While some Brethren are familiar with its use we would like as many Brethren as possible to be aware that the unit is in place and it is quite easy to use as it will direct the user using voice prompts once it is turned on.  Please review the following two links which contain the information on how to use the unit.
It is a voluntary program that's purpose is to assist Brethren (especially newly made masons) understand what masonry is, via involvement. The opportunity to participate in this exclusive Masonic Fraternal Education Program is presented only to newly made Master Masons in Open Lodge upon completing their Third Degree.  The expected duration of this Program is two years and upon completion a Certificate and our Lodge's Pillar Program lapel pin will be presented to the Brother(s) in Open Lodge.  See our Lodge's home page for more detail on this worthwhile addition to your personal Masonic Journey.

For more information and to be redirected to our Lodge's Home Page please click on the below link.